What is Amp Your Good?
We were founded based upon the idea that we could help everyone Amplify their Good - to make their good intentions have the greatest impact.
What is the mission of Amp Your Good?
We are all hard-wired to give and help others. But we are also busy in the lives we lead and many times don't know the best way to help. Amp Your Good's mission is to make it easy and fun for people to have the greatest impact when they are helping others.
How can I amplify my good?
Our platform makes it easy to set up and run a food drive. We help food drives raise more food and ensure that every donation makes a difference. Besides raising healthy food, some of the food drives on our platform are also designed to reduce food waste and support local farming.
What does it cost to use the Amp Your Good platform?
There is no cost to run a campaign or drive on our platform. There is also no cost for nonprofit organizations to use our services. We are only paid when someone buys healthy food to donate to a drive that they are supporting.
Is Amp Your Good a non-profit organization?
We are a socially conscious, for-profit company. Our platform is used to host food drives to support hunger organizations and for people to purchase healthy food to donate to those drives. People pay us a price comparable to what they would pay if they drove to the store to buy it.
What kind of food can be raised?
People who struggle with food insecurity also struggle with diet related conditions like diabetes, obesity and hypertension due to lack of access to healthy food. Food drives can be used to raise perishable food such as fresh fruits and vegetables, organic food, whole meals and healthy snack foods.
Who can use the website to run a campaign?
Any group can use our website - companies, schools, clubs, non-profit organizations and faith based groups are a few examples. Individuals can also use our site to run their drive or campaign. The only restriction is age. You must be at least 13 years old to use our website. If you are too young, ask a parent or guardian to help you out.
What is Amp Your Good's privacy policy?
We are committed to protecting your privacy to ensure that your personal information is protected. Please check out our privacy policy.
How do I start a campaign?
Easy. Shoot an email to fooddriveteam@ampyourgood.com and one our team members will be in touch to help you get it up and running.
How long does it take for the goods to be delivered?
Typically within about 3 weeks after the campaign is over.
How does Amp Your Good ensure the charities on the website are legit?
We use the IRS's list of qualified 501(c)(3) organizations and information from services like Guidestar to check out the charities listed on our website.
How does a charity I'm supporting know that I made a donation to it?
At the end of every drive, we supply donor information to the charity supported by the drive - your name, your email address and what you have donated. We also supply this information to the organizer(s) of the drive.
How do I make an anonymous donation?
When you make your donation, you can indicate that you would like it to be made anonymously.
Do I need to have an account with Amp Your Good to donate?
No, you can choose to set up an account so you can track your donations or you can make a donation as a Guest.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes, your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.
When do I receive my tax receipt?
We will email a tax receipt to you once your donation is delivered.
Does Amp Your Good store my credit card information?
We securely store your credit card information until the time we confirm the shipment of your goods, at which time your credit card is charged for the purchase that you've made. After that, your credit card information is removed.
Do you work with groups that want to run drives to raise things besides food?
Yes! We've worked with groups to raise building materials, camping gear, home furnishings and lots of other things. Contact us and let us know what you want to do.