To make your campaign or drive successful, engage your community to participate.
Here is a set of Best Practices.
Before Announcing Your Campaign
- Seed it - set up a couple of people to make the first donations
- Make sure the link you are using for the campaign works
Announcing Your Campaign
- Contact us - we can coordinate with you and promote the campaign
- Share your campaign with your community on the day your campaign starts
- A simple email with a link to your Campaign Page is the best way
to get your community to act - Use your social media accounts to announce the campaign
- Like us on Facebook - AmpYourGood - we will like you back and this will help us to be able to promote your campaign
- Follow us on Twitter - @AmpYourGood - we'll follow you back and share your campaign info
Send a Press Release
- We have a standard press release that you can use to generate media interest in your campaign
- Select local, regional, and national media for release
Post Campaign - Thank You
- Amp Your Good sends out thank you emails to each person who makes a donation to your campaign
- We also send you an email every time someone makes a donation so you can thank them yourself